Leitner Monica
shop assistant
What we appreciate about her:
Monika likes her work and is also collegial towards her employees.
She is very conscientious and precise. You can always rely on her.

Laner Jelena
shop assistant
What we appreciate about her:
Jelena is a very collegial person, friendly to the customers but also direct. She is very helpful and helps where there is a need.

Diana Valentina
shop assistant
What we appreciate about her:
Valentina is a very happy person and always friendly and courteous to her employees. She is a great asset to our business as she takes on any job with ease, knows how to solve problems and is very reliable.

Chuda Barbora
What we appreciate about her:
Barbora has been with us for almost 10 years and is the good soul in Kiens. She loves her job and is always there when needed. Barbora is very loyal.

Huber Catherine
What we appreciate about her:
Katherina is a very lovable and friendly person. She does her job with a clear conscience and is nimble in everything she does, be it in the bar or helping out in the shop. She is very collegial and accommodating.

Karin Reichegger
What we appreciate about her:
Karin is collegial and friendly to customers. She does her job conscientiously and accurately.

gater Franziska
What we appreciate about her:
She is a very helpful person and jumps in whenever there is a need, whether in the bar or in one of our branches. Customers like them all very much.